Contact us today for a free offer on ​73 67 08 86

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The trucks

It is in the interest of the company to serve so many clients as possibly, all with varying demands. For that reason, our fleet of cars are existing of trucks in all sizes, all with different facilities and characteristic.

  • Trailers with truck mounted forklift 13,60 ldm. 24 ton
  • Trailers with tail lift 13,60 ldm. 24 ton
  • Lorries with truck mounted forklift 9 ldm. 8 ton
  • Lorries with tail lift 9 ldm. 8 ton
  • Lorries with tail lift 6 ldm. 8 ton
  • Courier truck 1 ton​

​Lets make a deal

Contact us today for a free offer.

Our company is credit worthy according to Bisnode's credit assessment system that is based on a number of decision rules. This credit rating is updated on a daily basis, and always shows the current rating and date.

K.E. Jensen ApS

Industrivej 26A, 

DK-6330 Padborg

Phone: 73 67 08 86

VAT-no: 27687032